You Are Not Alone

“Are you ever going to call me back, I’ve left you three messages?”

That is the refrain I’m hearing over and over again from my family and friends. Last year I turned 70, and the truth is, I’ve never worked so hard in my life. I’m pushing myself to the limit right now, am stressed to the max, but I can tell you: there is nothing I’d rather be doing.

Next week, my book The Secret Life of a Weight-Obsessed Woman will be released, and this is my chance to say: you are not alone.

You are not alone if you have struggled with an eating disorder.
You are not alone if your weight defines you mood.
You are not alone if you have kept a secret for years.
You are not alone if you face any kind of addiction.
You are not alone if you feel held back by something, but terrified of overcoming it.

No matter what your issues are or what challenges you face, there is hope for a better life. And that recovery, re-engagement and rejuvenation is possible.

I would love it if you would consider pre-ordering my book, and if you would buy a copy for a friend who you think has struggled alone for too long.

This past week I’ve been  sitting behind my computer pounding out an endless stream of articles requested by my publicist on the topics of weight, obsessions, eating disorders, and bulimia in particular. I’m writing on January’s “Get Skinnier in the New Year” message and its toxic effect on people suffering from disordered patterns of eating. I’m writing on triggers that jumpstart bingeing. I’m writing on the difference between emotional and physical hunger. And I’m trying to keep straight which article requests call for an exclusive and which article requests can use information previously published. It’s exhausting; it’s confusing; and my back is killing me.

And then there’s the radio interviews – where the interviewer is controlling the questions. And my husband is pointing out every “um” and “you know” I utter. And the more he points out my conversational flaws, the more I seem to employ them. Yikes! And there’s my new Preserve Your Bloom  podcast series  – which I liken to sitting around your kitchen table chatting with dynamic  people you’d like to get to know better. Well, I wake up at night bathed in sweaty anxiety  over the questions I’ll be throwing out to my guests – ruminating endlessly over if one seems too pushy or one too mundane or one way too personal.

Yes, the hoopla is great. Just this week, I bagged a TV appearance and article requests from two major magazines. But what really elevates my mood and fuels my energy? The fact that my book may very well  impact and alter the trajectory of someone else’s life. That’s the sweetest satisfaction of all.

Thank you for your support — you have been on this journey with me. Please help me ensure that all this work helps others too.

Keep Preserving Your Bloom,

P.S.: If you do buy my book and enjoy it, please consider leaving an honest review for it on Thank you!

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