Okay. No preamble today. Right into it.I tackled a recipe I found on the Internet: A cottage cheese smoothieCreated by ME Ingredients: 1/2 cup cottage cheese I frozen banana (partially thawed) 1 tsp. of ground cinnamon I scoop of Purely Inspired Organic Protein Powder (vanilla flavored). Blend all together in a Nutri Continue reading
Author: Iris Ruth Pastor
The Significance of September
For years, September to me meant Change – a new page in the book of my life. First, I was a school kid with skinny legs and knobby knees running for the bus with my ponytail flying in the wind. Each September my teachers changed and my grade level accelerated. But the two people who Continue reading
You Just Never Know
It’s Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 7:14pm and I am sitting on my screened-in porch writing this column. I am over-looking my 100-year-old oak trees just a few yards from where I sit. Birds are chirping. The early evening sky is a startling blue. And sounds of traffic just beyond my walled yard intermittently break Continue reading
Tangling With Mother Nature
It’s Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 7:14pm and I am sitting on my screened-in porch writing this column. I am over-looking my 100-year-old oak trees just a few yards from where I sit. Birds are chirping. The early evening sky is a startling blue. And sounds of traffic just beyond my walled yard intermittently break Continue reading
What the Heck is Cinematic Therapy?
My friend Lynne Billing sent me the following information: A psychologist, Carla Marie Manly, watched the new Barbie movie and had this to say about cinematic therapy: This form of ‘cinematic therapy’ I experienced watching Barbie is a legitimate concept. Films have the potential to improve our mental and emotional health. When cinematic content inspires us to discover and become our best Continue reading
It was enough for me
Everywhere I look in my house, things are in in disarray The books on the topmost shelves of my living room wall are stuffed together in no particular order The suitcases of every shape, size, and color are haphazardly piled in the corner of the garage between the pile of broken flower pots and endless Continue reading
My Husband is Turning 76 Years Old Today
My husband is turning 76 years-old today. We were born in the same month, in the same year, in the same city and in the same hospital. My mother left the hospital with me the day his mother checked into the maternity ward to give birth to him. In less than a week, we will be celebrating our Continue reading
I’m Turning 76 Tomorrow
How do I really feel now that I am turning 76 years old tomorrow? Constantly adjusting to the aging process can be an energy sucker: Clutching the bannister when using the stairs – no more bounding up and down effortlessly. Ditto for getting out of bed. The operative word now is SLOWLY. No leaps. My Continue reading
My First and Last Sports Column Part 2
A lot of people have happy places. My sister’s happy place is a city where she spent a lot of time visiting when growing up: Tampa, Florida. A friend loves nesting at home on the couch with her deaf cat. Another friend tells me her happy place is working as a dental hygienist and that Continue reading
My First and Last Sports Column – Part 1
This is the only sports column I have ever written and intend to write. This is Part 1 and next week will be Part 2 and then: NEVER AGAIN. It all started with my grandfather, Frank, who frequently went to see the Cincinnati Reds play at Crosley Field in the 1930’s. He was such an Continue reading