What kind of person did this little boy grow up to be?

What kind of person did this little boy grow up to be?

Well, as a toddler, not only did he speak at an astonishingly young age, but what he said made sense.

As a youth, he preferred watching “Sixty Minutes” rather than taking walks with his mom and younger brother. His middle school principal and Social Studies teacher remarked that he was “the most politically astute student he had ever known.”

As a teenager, he was a role model for his four younger siblings on being politically aware, fiscally conservative and liberally compassionate.

As an adult, he ran for Tampa City Council, won and is presently completing his second term.

The people we elect locally have a profound effect on our lives.

Who are you going to call when a young kid gets mowed down by a car, while walking to school, because sidewalks are inadequate?

Who will protect you when a hurricane is looming?

Who are you going to call when your street floods or rain water seeps into your front door?

A neighbor oversteps his bounds?

Lack of parking downtown drives you nuts?

Your adult kids can’t move back home due to lack of affordable housing?

Your doctor has increased your blood pressure meds due to your aggravation over your long and congested commute to work?

What kind of person did this little boy grow up to be?
The person who has, can and will solve these problems.
The person most qualified to be the Mayor of Tampa.

What have I learned while my son is running for mayor that applies to whatever city you live in?

     The importance of being informed on each candidate’s stances and qualifications.

The importance of attending candidate forums to see each candidate – unscripted – responding to specific questions.

The importance of voting.

If you’d like to help put Harry in the mayors seat, please contact me at irisruthpastor@gmail.com. To learn more about Harry and his plan for Tampa, visit www.Harry2019.com.

I’m “just wild about Harry” and hope you are too.

Iris Ruth Pastor

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