Sometimes You Just Gotta Change It Up

Sometimes, due to circumstances beyond our control., we have to re-think and revise.
Start with my newsletter – which has never come out on any other day but Friday, at 3pm. And today is NOT Friday at 3 pm.
When Helene and Milt paid us a visit, my first thought was to cancel the Nov 15th women’s friendship event and postpone to a more settled time.
But then stories started tumbling out of people’s mouths – of domiciles, businesses and neighborhoods decimated. I felt their yearning – not just for connection but for familiarity, routine and a sense of being oriented to one’s place.
That’s when I decided to go ahead with the third in the three-part series on women’s friendships.
I have since added a twist to the topic – it’s still The Art of Being Your Own Best Friend, but with a tag line: Especially After a Natural Disaster.
We won’t be just talking about self-care, but the importance of not minimizing personal loss and also about the fine art of cultivating self-determination. And, of course, I’ve sprinkled in a few humorous anecdotes during my presentation.
I hope you will once again join us for a mix of mingling, laughing and learning together. Our event also features a mini-market place filled with unique items great for holiday giving.
Here’s the ad:

Here’s the link to register:
And, as we say in PYB land:
What good is growing 
if you never get to bloom?

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