So Weird How Things Happen

In the middle of a phone conversation with a good buddy, on my way to the airport to fly back to Tampa from New York City,  my friend happens to suggest I check out a columnist in our local paper whose writing reminds her of mine.
The columnist’s name is Stephanie Hayes.
Once on the plane, I proceed to google her with the intent of reading a bunch of her columns. I never get past her bio. 
Because, in her bio, she mentions that she is syndicated world- wide.  
I stop cold in my boots: World Wide Syndication????
I’ve been dreaming of that for decades!
I quickly google Creators Syndicate and click on submissions. Pretty straight forward: submit 4-6 columns, 500 to 600 words in length. And wait 6-8 weeks for an answer 
The last time I actually submitted columns for consideration, Huffington Post accepted me six hours later. This makes me feel Creators Syndicate is worth a shot. After all, I’m not a newbie.
I’ve written for scores of parenting magazines, newspapers across the country and websites galore. And not to toot my own horn, but I was cited as one of the most popular columnists at the The Huffington Post until they eliminated the category under which I wrote. 
Dilemma: Penning pieces for over 35 years, I literally have well over 1800 columns! How in the heck do I pick my favorites when I’ve written on such a wide range of topics and over such a broad spectrum of time?
My work is:
News worthy
Strictly bitching/venting 
Random as hell
My subject range:
Big boobs to bad hair days
Loving tributes to my husband and a few angry tirades to him too 
The joys and challenges of: raising five sons, being the sandwich generation, aging, the empty nest and moving to a new city 
The experience of: losing your parents, becoming a grandparent, parenting adult off spring and feeling – as I age – both irrelevant and grateful – sometimes at the same time. 
How do I choose? 
How do I choose wisely?
So dear reader, here is where YOU come in
Tell me your most memorable “Incidentally, Iris” column – the one that resonated with you, made you laugh, made you cry or did all three. 
Send to
Thank you, in advance, for both your feedback and time. Both are very much appreciated. 
Becoming a world-wide syndicated column has been a life-long dream. I’d love for you to be a part of making it happen.
Thank you and Keep Preserving Your Bloom, 
Iris Ruth Pastor

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