Preventing the Ravages of Aging – Tee Hee

Okay. Let me set the record straight right away: I am not – nor have I ever been – a good cook. My five sons will attest to this. In fact, if you ask them to name a favorite dish they recall me serving during their growing-up years, you’d be met with blank stares.

However, my mother instilled in me the importance of feeding my growing children nutrient-rich foods. So, though my meals were pretty simple, mundane affairs – certainly not gourmet level – they blasted out with health-enhancing ingredients.

I was an exemplary lunch packer. My kids’ lunches were laced together with nourishing items ensured to give them the best possible start in life. Teachers were known to hold up my packed lunches as models for other moms to replicate. (The fact that every one of my boys routinely swapped their carrot sticks, hummus and raisins for their friends’ Hostess Cupcakes and Doritos was not something I was aware of until years later.)

Now, of course, we are a more health conscious nation in general and us baby boomers realize that we certainly can’t control our adult children’s choice of foods nor our grandkids’ choices. However, as we slide into the autumn of our years, (okay, maybe even the winter of our lives), we CAN control what we stuff into our own mouths.

So here’s a few things I’ve been either making, eating and doing to help me stay fit, energized and operating at a truly feel-good level.

Image result for smoothies

The Shake
From my friends Gopal and Darin

8 slices of cucumber
5 packets Truvia (my addition – the sweeter the better)
8 oz of water
1-2 oz of cherry juice
1 lemon – fully squeezed without seeds
4 large leaves of basil – cut into smaller pieces
1 serving of collagen
Blend in bullet
This shake is foamy and refreshing.

Cottage Cheese Smoothie  
1 serving of protein powder
1 slightly thawed frozen banana – (cut into slices before freezing)
1 cup 2% cottage cheese
1-2 ounces of almond milk
3 packets Truvia
Chopped fresh basil or mint – optional
Blend well
It’s not ice cream, but it’s pretty damn close and packed with protein!

Image result for pancakes

Breakfast Pancake:
1/2 cup uncooked oats
1 egg beaten
1/2 mashed banana
1 serving collagen or protein powder
Blueberries or strawberries, chopped pecans, walnuts, almonds or flaxseed can be added
Cinnamon to taste, if desired
Mix altogether and fry with Pam or a little coconut oil
These pancakes are thick and filling and utterly amazing, especially when drizzled with maple syrup – which probably defeats the whole purpose!

Health Enhancing Boosts:
Apple cider vinegar – I start the day with an ounce or so of apple cider vinegar dissolved in a glass of hot water with a splash of lemon. Tastes kinda icky, but after I grimace and swallow, I’m in a kick-ass morning mood. And so is my digestive tract and colon.

I add a serving of collagen to my first cup of steaming hot coffee. (Collagen dissolves better in hot liquid and smoothies.) Collagen is tasteless, is good for your skin, hair and nails, helps joint pain, promotes better sleep, keeps bones strong, improves digestions and aids in weight loss.

Protein powder – Want a jam-packed protein fest without eating a ton of meat? WOW! This stuff keeps you feeling pleasantly full all day. I mix it with Chobani Coffee and Cream Greek Yogurt and my daily Cottage Cheese Smoothie. Protein powder helps build muscle, repair tissue and make enzymes and hormones.

We plan: G-d laughs. Nothing can really control the ravages of aging. However, we can influence the way we feel through our diet. And we can aim for peak capacity and serenity.

Sipping a glass or two of wine nightly helps too! Tee Hee.

Image result for wine glass

Keep Preserving Your Bloom and send me your healthy recipes and tips. I’ll share with all.

Iris Ruth Pastor

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