
We are all into saving time and shortcuts – not to mention keeping up with our kids and grandkids, mastering technology’s newest advances and coping with the ever-burgeoning threat of the coronavirus.

Addicted to texting? With all the coronavirus-induced closings and cancellations, we might be relying even more on texting.


So as some comic relief, and to keep you in the know when sending texts and e mail, here’s some useful Acronyms – some you may know and some which may open up a whole new vocabulary.

(The ones in bold are my favorites.)

2MORO – tomorrow

2NITE – tonight

AAMCF – as a matter of fact

AEAP – as early as possible

AFAIK – as far as I know

AFK – away from keyboard

ALAS – as late as possible

ASAP – as soon as possible

ASL – age/sex/location

B/C – because

B3 – Blah, Blah, Blah

B4YKI – before you know it

BFF – best friends forever

BM&Y – between me and you

BRT – be right there

BRB – be right back

BTT – back to topic

BTW – by the way

C+P – copy and paste

CTN – cannot talk now

CU – see you

CUS – see you soon

CWOT – complete waste of time

CYT – see you tomorrow

DIY – do it yourself

E123 – easy as 1, 2, 3

EM – excuse me?

EOD – end of day

F2F – face to face

FAQ – frequently asked question

FOAF – friend of a friend

FTW – for the win 

FYEO – for your ears only

GKAL – grandkids are listening

GPAW – grandparents are watching

HAK – hugs and kisses

HF – have fun

IDC – I don’t care

IDK – I don’t know

ILU – I love you

IMHO – in my humble opinion

KAH – kids are here

KAL – kids are listening

LMAO – laughing my ass off

LOL – laughing out loud


MMW – mark my words

N/A – not applicable

NNTR – no need to reply

NOYB – none of your business

OMG – oh my g-d

OMW – on my way

OT – off topic

OTL – out to lunch

OTP – on the phone

P911 – parental alert

PAL – parents are listening

PAW – parents are watching

PIR – parent in room

POS – parent over shoulder

POV – point of view

PYB – preserve your bloom

RN – right now

ROTFL – rolling on the floor laughing 

SCNR – sorry could not resist

SEP – someone else’s problem

SFLR – sorry for late reply

SITD – still in the dark

SLAP – sounds like a plan

SO – significant other

TBC – to be continued

TCOYS – take care of yourself

TGIF – thank goodness it’s Friday

TIA – thanks in advance

TMI – too much info

TTYL – talk to you later

TYVM – thank you very much

WFM – works for me

WTF – what the fu-k

WYCM – will you call me?

WYWH – wish you were here

XOXO – kisses and hugs

Parting message for the week:

Iris Ruth Pastor

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